Application Guide for Shenzhen Bay Laboratory - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Joint PhD Program (2020/2021)
Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as SZBL), initiated by Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, is one of the second batch of the Guangdong Provincial Laboratories. SZBL is founded under the provincial government’s initiative of establishing and developing a host of high quality research institutes in Guangdong province with the aim of having a few of them eventually becoming National Laboratories. SZBL is led by the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, and jointly supported by relevant research institutions or universities in Shenzhen, China Hong Kong and China Macao. The focus research areas of SZBL are bio-data science, bioengineering, and biomedicine.
Regarding the talent model, the Laboratory adheres to the combination of introduction and cultivation, and has a systematic agenda of disciplines and research directions. Based on the regional competitiveness of the Guangdong-China Hong Kong-China Macao Greater Bay Area, the Laboratory will take active steps to absorb high-level talents from both the domestic and the international communities to facilitate the building of the Laboratory’s scientific cadres through a step-by-step process of developing research groups, scientific missions and the disciplines. Currently, SZBL has 280 employees who work in the service of the laboratory’s mission. Among these employees are 216 scientific researchers, accounting for 76.8% of the total and particularly, 47 of them has been officially awarded as high-level talents, including academicians, “The Chang Jiang Scholar”, “The Distinguished Young Scholars” as well as other talent programs at national, provincial and municipal levels.
In order to implement the Outline of Development Plan for the Guangdong-China Hong Kong-China Macao Greater Bay Area, promoting the in-depth cooperation among Guangdong, China Hong Kong and China Macao in the area of higher education and scientific research, SZBL and The China Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as HKUST) intend to launch a Joint PhD Student Training Program (hereinafter referred to as the Program). The Program enrolls PhD students in the fields of life science and chemistry, with the implementation of double advisors guidance, and awards the doctoral degree of the HKUST.
一、招生计划 Enrollment Plan
联合培养单位 Joint Training Institutions 招生名额 Total Enrollment 学科 Discipline 第1、4年在中国香港科技大学
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