Located in the historic and cultural city of Suzhou and founded in 1900, Soochow University is a Key National “Project 211” university, and one of the first institutions selected for “Plan 2011” in China. It is listed into “Double First-Class” Initiative jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government. It is also a provincial key comprehensive university sponsored by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government. In 2019, it was ranked 51th globally and 13th domestically in the Nature Index, and the 15th domestically in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking. It is ranked the 18th domestically in the 2020 THE University Ranking. Eighteen scholars of Soochow University were listed into “Highly Cited Researchers” by Clarivate Analytics; the number was ranked the 5th in China. Currently, thirteen of its disciplines -- Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Biology and Biological Chemistry, Neurology and Behavioral Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Immunology, Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Agricultural Sciences -- are ranked the top 1% of the Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ranking. Chemistry and Materials Science are ranked the top 1‰.
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